Introduction I2C communications have become the de facto method of communicating between microcontrollers, microcomputers and a variety of integrated circuits and sensors. It has been around since 1982 and was originally developed for use in television receivers. I2C Communications I2C is a serial protocol used on a low-speed 2-wire interface. It was originally developed by Phillips in 1982 to allow integrated circuits within television receivers to communicate with one another. Times have changed, Phillips is now NXP and I2C has become a communication standard that is supported by virtually every major semiconductor manufacturer. I2C is an abbreviation for “Inter-Integrated Circuit”. It is also called “IIC” or ‘I squared C”. Uses and Limitations I2C is used with microcontrollers like the Arduino and with microcomputers like the Raspberry Pi. Many displays and sensors interface to their host controller using I2C. I2C does have several limitations however. It is not particularly fas